Immersive Moon Landing experience debuts at Expo 2022 Dubai

Moon Landing

The International Astronomical Union’s Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) Center Italy, in partnership with Virtual Immersions in Science (VIS), presented Moon Landing VR at Expo 2022 Dubai as part of an astronomy outreach event on March 16th, 2022.

The OAE Center Italy, coordinated by the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), held a public event titled “Let’s light up the skies of the world” at the Italian Pavilion of Expo 2022 Dubai. This hybrid in-person and online event highlighted the importance of astronomy as a tool for multicultural inclusion and emphasized the sky as a shared human heritage.

The event featured a hands-on educational activity where local students worked with lights shaped like constellations, connecting them to legends from different cultures. This activity was adapted from a project developed by Play, INAF’s website for innovative education, designed to bring astronomy to schools using accessible, low-cost materials.
A round table discussion followed, where experts, educators, and teachers explored the value of astronomy in fostering multiculturalism and inclusion. Speakers included:
– Markus Pössel, Director of the OAE
– Sara Ricciardi and Stefano Sandrelli, of the OAE Center Italy
– Hamid Al-Naimiy, President of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences and Director General of the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space sciences & Technology (SAAST)
– Ilias Fernini, Deputy Director General of SAAST
– Pedro Russo of Leiden University and Ciência Viva

A highlight of the event was the presentation of Moon Landing VR, a 360° virtual reality experience developed by VIS. This immersive video allows users to relive the final moments of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing from Neil Armstrong’s perspective. VIS is an INAF partner specializing in public engagement training.

Stefano Sandrelli, Director of the OAE Center Italy, emphasized the universal appeal of astronomy and its power to inspire wonder and curiosity. The OAE Center Italy, established in March 2021, aims to utilize astronomy and the relationship between humanity and the universe to enhance children’s learning experiences. It is a collaboration between INAF, the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt), and the University of Roma Tor Vergata (ToV).

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